The ÔOperatorÕ Edition provides enough for any household's Family Guy to begin building a Community-based, resilient team Ð or to integrate their household into an existing community or team that has similar survival systems, skills and values. Full and descriptive conceptual images will assist, and online training materials for a Ôtrain the trainerÕ approach will support a group-centric learning environment that YOU can provide to other people within your household or your team. Learning so much information can become a saturation of our consciousness, causing us tension, affecting our mindset and even keeping you up at nights. ThatÕs not going to happen when you layer survival information properly, reading through WHY your mindset is important before you get into how to build up your logistics, medical and security responses. Host Meetups easier, with proven community outreach strategies. You will avoid panic because youÕll build mental schemas to handle the recoil phase of disasters.