Cooler weather brings the desire to soak in warm, cozy baths. Bring luxury to your bath tub with Nitty Gritty Bath Tea. It's always a great day for a hot herbal soak!
What you'll get: 4 reusable cotton muslin tea bags, 1 wooden tea scoop, 2 - 16 oz. glass jars of tea:
(1) CALMING: Whole Chamomile, Pink Rose Buds, Black Tea, Lavender, Milk Powder, Epsom Salt, Essential Oil
Directions: Shake jar to mix settled herbs. Fill a tea bag 2/3 up with herbs and add to a hot bath. Soak for at least 20 minutes in the bath tub tea.
Make tea concentrate on your stovetop. Add filled tea bag to 1 quart of water just off the boil and steep, covered for 20 minutes. Add the concentrate to bath water and soak to your heart's content.
Each jar of bath tea contains enough to fill the reusable tea bag about 8 times. Once filled, use a bag of herbs up to 3 times. Store in freezer between uses. When the herbs are spent, simmer as a mulling spice or share the herbal goodness with the microbes in your compost pile.